Save the Date!
When: Saturday 5/14 at 6:30pm
Where: Donkey & Goat Winery
(1 block from the school)
Details: The gala is our biggest fundraiser of the year and includes a silent and live auction, raffle, food and fun! Childcare will be provided at the school campus. Ticket prices, childcare sign up and other details TBA.
GALA PLANNING MEETINGS: Wed, 3/16 and 4/6 at 5:45pm
Dinner and childcare provided! All are welcome to this parent meeting at the school. Agenda to focus on upcoming Auction/Gala event in May and how you can help make it a success! Here are notes from the most recent DNPA Meeting on 2/24/16.
We’re trying a new app to help us organize volunteers. Please have a look and sign up for a Gala volunteer position today! Tasks range from soliciting for auction item to day-of set up. Sign up now on VolunteerSpot.
We are lucky to have an amazing performer in our Duck's Nest community! Destani Wolf, a Puddleduck mom will be performing at the Gala! Click here to see an article about her show this past weekend at Freight & Salvage.
INFANT & CHILD CPR CLASS: Sat, 4/9/16 3-5pm
Click here to sign upThis class will be held on campus and is for parents, grandparents and babysitters, and will teach how to prevent accidents and respond quickly in an emergency. Learn lifesaving skills for choking, drowning, poisoning and electric shock in babies and children up to age ten. With lots of hands-on practice and fun, fast-paced exercises, the class will focus on building your skills and confidence as a rescuer. Handouts and light refreshments provided.
Sliding scale: $36 - $25/person based on your ability to pay
(no one turned away for lack of funds - DNPA parent will subsidize cost for those who pay less)
10 person minimum, maximum 20 participants
A big thank you to Barak Ben-Gal, Wood Duck parent, for organizing!
DINNER-TO-GO SALE: Wed, 3/23 4:15-5:30pm, inside the front gate
Would you love to have a night (or two!) off from cooking while still providing your family with a lovingly prepared, home-cooked, healthy meal? Many of the dishes will be freezer-friendly, so you can save it for a rainy day (ha ha). Dinners will be priced between $6 and $9 per serving (for example, $36-$54 for a 6-serving dish), depending on ingredients and difficulty.
How Can You Participate?
Buy a Dinner
We can accept cash, checks (made out to DNPA), or credit cards.
Dinner availability will be first-come, first-served - no need to pre-order!
Cook a Dish
Might you be willing to contribute one of these lovely dishes? Click here for more details. Ready to Cook? Sign up via Google Form.
Staff the Sales Table
Want to help, but not feeling the whole “cooking a dish for someone else” thing? Click here to volunteer for a short time slot to help staff the tables.
Why Contribute?
Funds raised go to support tuition assistance for families who need a bit of help; the Harrison House Shelter; student enrichment; teacher training and appreciation; and community building. Thank you for your support!
We look forward to seeing you on the 23rd! (And, we hope, to tasting some of your delicious cooking!)
Colleen, Brandie, and Meghan
DNPA Bake Sale Organizing Committee
The DNPA organizes community events and outreach programs, as well as fundraisers to foster educational enrichment and community. Events organized by the DNPA are structured to pay for themselves or to create a positive financial contribution back to the Duck’s Nest community and school. By participating in the DNPA and volunteering for an event, you are making a valuable contribution to your children and your community.